Phil the Neighborhoods – Parkside (Daffin Park)

Bringing Savannah Residents and Families Together Through Music Your SavPhil’s fourth annual series is set to take place in various neighborhoods throughout the year. These concerts present all genres of music in a relaxed and fun environment — from community parks, to front lawns, to downtown squares.

Phil the Neighborhoods – Chippewa Square

Bringing Savannah Residents and Families Together Through Music Your SavPhil’s fourth annual series is set to take place in various neighborhoods throughout the year. These concerts present all genres of music in a relaxed and fun environment — from community parks, to front lawns, to downtown squares.

Phil the Neighborhoods – Savannah Quarters

Bringing Savannah Residents and Families Together Through Music Your SavPhil’s fourth annual series is set to take place in various neighborhoods throughout the year. These concerts present all genres of music in a relaxed and fun environment — from community parks, to front lawns, to downtown squares.

Phil the Neighborhoods – Cuyler/Brownsville

Bringing Savannah Residents and Families Together Through Music Your SavPhil’s fourth annual series is set to take place in various neighborhoods throughout the year. These concerts present all genres of music in a relaxed and fun environment — from community parks, to front lawns, to downtown squares.


Lucas Theatre for the Performing Arts 32 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA, United States

Saturday, May 3, 2025 | 7:30pmThe Lucas Theatre for the ArtsKeitaro Harada conductorHina Khuong-Huu violinSavannah Philharmonic ChorusPaul Thornock chorus master SIBELIUS Two songs with chorusSIBELIUS Symphony No. 3SIBELIUS Violin ConcertoSIBELIUS Finlandia (with chorus) Learn More